FastLane Cell cDNA Kit

For high-speed preparation of cDNA without RNA purification for use in real-time RT-PCR. From cells to cDNA in only 4 steps and under 45 minute, Sensitive detection of even low-abundance transcripts, Easy parallel processing of several samples, Integrated gDNA removal allows detection of RNA only, No need to design RNA-specific primers or probes. The FastLane Cell cDNA Kit provides a fast and simple procedure for preparing first-strand cDNA directly from cultured cells without RNA purification. The kit is supplied with wash and lysis buffers for preparing lysates and stabilizing RNA, gDNA Wipeout Buffer for eliminating genomic DNA contamination, and all reaction components for fast and efficient cDNA synthesis. The FastLane Cell cDNA Kit is ideal for experiments requiring rapid, high-throughput gene expression analysis.